Welcome Home!

Keeping it Gram Positive since '84

Our Aim

The Microbiology and Immunology Student Association (MISA) represents all undergraduate students in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at McGill University. We act as a liaison between staff, faculty, and students of the Department at a Departmental and Faculty level.

MISA aims to enhance the education and social aspects of all members, and to create an inclusive environment in all endeavors and initiatives - both academic and social.

Meet The Council

MIMM      Merch      Academics      NTCs

About Us

New to MIMM?

Welcome to the Microbiology and Immunology Department!

We want to make your transition as easy as possible. Check out our academic pages to learn more about the MIMM courses you will be taking, and to assist you in designing your class schedule for the Fall and Winter semesters.

If you have any other questions please message us on our Facebook Page!

U1 Course Information

Have an academic concern?

Fill out this form and let us know!
