DISCLAIMER: Schedule suggestions are only a guideline to complete the Major Program and should not be thought of as the only way to complete your degree. Course insight is only a reflection of previous years experiences and may not reflect the coming year’s grading scheme or the nature of the course as these fluctuate from year to year.
MIMM211 – Biology of Microorganisms
MIMM212 – Laboratory in Microbiology
BIOL200 – Molecular Biology
CHEM212 – Introduction to Organic Chemistry 1
MIMM214 – Introduction to Immunology
BIOL202 -Basic Genetics
CHEM222 – Introduction to Organic Chemistry 2
BIOL201 OR BIOC 212 – Cell Biology & Metabolism OR Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Function
MIMM211 – Biology of Microorganisms
MIMM212 – Laboratory in Microbiology
BIOL200 – Molecular Biology
Elective or CHEM 234 (3 credits) – Topics in Organic Chemistry (equivalent to lecture section of CHEM 222)
MIMM214 – Introduction to Immunology
BIOL202 -Basic Genetics
BIOL201 OR BIOC 212 – Cell Biology & Metabolism OR Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Function
Elective + CHEM 244 (1 credit) or CHEM222 (4 credits) – Introduction to Organic Chemistry 2
NOTE: U1 or U2 or U3 Required class is one of BIOL373 (Biometry) OR MATH203 (Principles of Statistics 1) OR PSYC204 (Intro to Psychological Stats). Additional remarks: biometry is not offered for the year 2020-2021 and CHEM 222 will not be offered during Fall 2020. Instead, it will be replaced by CHEM 234 with the opportunity to take the lab section CHEM 244 in the Winter semester.
MIMM 211 Biology of Microorganisms (F)
MIMM 212 Laboratory in Microbiology (F)
BIOL 200 Molecular Biology (F)
CHEM 212 Introductory Organic Chemistry I (F/W/S)
MIMM 214 Introduction to Immunology (W)
BIOL 202 Basic Genetics
BIOL 201 Cell Biology and Metabolism (W)
BIOC 212 Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Function (W)
MATH 203 Principles of Statistics I (F/W)
PSYC 204 Introduction to Psychological Statistics (F/W)
CHEM 222 Introductory Organic Chemistry II (F/W)